
8Dio - Claire Bassoon Virtuoso (2014)

Год выпуска: 2014
Разработчик: 8Dio
Качество: Stereo, 24 bit Частота 44.1 kHz
Жанр: Сэмплы Фагота
Количество файлов: 4651
Формат: (Kontakt, NKI, NKC, NKX)

8Dio - Claire Bassoon Virtuoso является наиболее выразительным, играемым и реалистичным Фаготом когда-либо сэмплированным. Bassoon Virtuoso был записан в симфоническом зале и содержит три положения микрофона (Close, Decca, Far). Ядром фагота является его продвинутая легато система, которая содержит как лирические, так и сильные легато. Система легато позволяет играть легато со страстными изгибами и сустейн, стаккатиссимо, маркато и.т.д. Кроме того, мы также добавили трели, рансы, стаккатиссимо, маркато и даже не-тональные эффекты, такие как вдохи, звуки клапанов и естественно шумы клавиш. Основные сведения: происхождение Фагот — духовой деревянный музыкальный инструмент басового, тенорового и частично альтового регистра. Фагот применяется в симфоническом, реже в духовом оркестре, а также как сольный и ансамблевый инструмент. В разобранном виде фагот напоминает вязанку дров (отсюда и получил своё название, т.к. в переводе с итальянского fagotto — «вязанка дров»). Названия фагота на других языках: fagotto (итальянский); fagott (немецкий); basson (французский); bassoon (английский). Фагот был сконструирован в XVI веке в Италии, в оркестре применяется с конца XVII — начала XVIII века, занял в нём постоянное место к концу XVIII века.

- Unique Programming for Kontakt 5 users
- Hall based release triggers
- Custom Kontakt Scripting
- 6 .NKI files (using internal browsing system)
- 4605 sample (.ncw) files
- 5.1GB installed (compressed down from 10GB+), 5GB .rar download
- Multiple download servers to ensure smooth download
- Sample resolution: 96Khz / 24Bit stereo .ncw (lossless compression)
- Format(s): Kontakt and .ncw
- Kontakt 4.2 (Full Retail) is 32 and 64-bit compatible on both PC and MAC platforms
- Claire Bassoon Virtuoso requires 5.1GB of hard drive space

Описания на Английском
Deep-Sampled Woodwinds:
Welcome to our new Claire Virtuoso Woodwind series produced by Emmy Nominated Composer, Colin O’Malley. The Claire Woodwind Series is a deep-sampled collection of the finest virtuoso woodwind soloists ever sampled. These are highly playable instruments soared with true emotion, effortless and equilibristic behavior. Our Bassoon Virtuoso is the most expressive, playable and lifelike Bassoon ever sampled. The Bassoon Virtuoso was recorded in a symphonic hall and contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Far). The core of the Bassoon is its highly advanced legato system, which contains both slow and fast legato. The legato system allows you to play legato with passionate arcs, sustains, staccatissimo, expressive marcatos etc. We recorded arcs with both non-vibrato, medium and strong vibrato, so you can freely sculpt your performance from the subtle to vibrant. In addition we also added trills, runs, staccatissimo and even non-tonal effects like breaths, valve sounds and natural click noises etc.

Advanced Legato:
Claire Basoon Virtuoso is based on a highly intuitive, playable and expressive legato system. We sampled a variety of different types of expressive arcs that are all connected to the legato system, so you can go between sustain types that are gentle (p-mp) to strong (f-ff) or sustain types with less or more vibrato. All these articulations can seamlessly be connected while you are playing using our highly advanced legato system.

High Definition (96Khz):
Claire Basoon Virtuoso contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide) and everything was sampled at 96Khz, which provides an unprecedented detail in the sound and reveal details that would otherwise have been lost at lower resolutions. The fidelity of the library is especially revealing once you start combining the microphones and hear the warmth of the instrument, reflections of the room, the air and all the tiny, little details so often missed.

Core Specifications:
- Deep-Sampled Virtuoso Bassoon / ultra hi-def (96Khz)
- Recorded in symphonic hall w/ 3 mics (Close, Decca, Wide)
- Lyrical and Strong Legato patches
- Arcs, Marcato, Runs, Sustains
- Staccatissimo and Trills

Core Requirements:
- Full Retail version of Kontakt 4.2 or later required
- 5.1GB harddrive space
- Ability to download
- PC 2.4GZ+, 4GB ram
- MAC 2.6Ghz, 4GB ram

Technical Specifications:
- Unique Programming for Kontakt 5 users
- Hall based release triggers
- Custom Kontakt Scripting
- 6 .NKI files (using internal browsing system)
- 4605 sample (.ncw) files
- 5.1GB installed (compressed down from 10GB+), 5GB .rar download
- Multiple download servers to ensure smooth download
- Sample resolution: 96Khz / 24Bit stereo .ncw (lossless compression)
- Format(s): Kontakt and .ncw
- Kontakt 4.2 (Full Retail) is 32 and 64-bit compatible on both PC and MAC platforms
- Claire Bassoon Virtuoso requires 5.1GB of hard drive space
- Runs as a stand-alone application, VST® or Audio Units plug-in, RTAS® under Pro Tools 7/8.
- Minimum: Mac OS X® 10.4 / 10.5, G5 1.8 GHz or Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 1 GB RAM or Windows® XP (32 Bit) or Windows Vista® (32/64 Bit), Pentium® or Athlon XP 1.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. 2 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended!
- Library mapping is unlocked. Library audio pool is locked.
Системные требования
- Kontakt 4.2 (Full Retail) is 32 and 64-bit compatible on both PC and MAC platforms
- Claire Bassoon Virtuoso requires 5.1GB of hard drive space
- Runs as a stand-alone application, VST® or Audio Units plug-in, RTAS® under Pro Tools 7/8.
- Minimum: Mac OS X® 10.4 / 10.5, G5 1.8 GHz or Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 1 GB RAM or Windows® XP (32 Bit) or Windows Vista® (32/64 Bit), Pentium® or Athlon XP 1.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. 2 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended!
- Library mapping is unlocked. Library audio pool is locked.
- 2 Different Types of Solo Legato
- Legato Types:
• Legato Natural
• Legato Medium
• Legato Strong 1
• Legato Strong 2
• Legato Vibrato
• Legato Heavy Vibrato
• Legato Staccatissimo
• Legato Marcato Expressivo
- Sustains MW/Crossfade Controlled
- Staccatissimo
- Marcato Expressivo
- 2nd Minor Trill
- 2rd Major Trill
- Arcs:
• P-MP-P
- Bonus: 2nd player option
- Bonus: Minor Runs Up & Down
- Bonus: Major Runs Up & Down
- Bonus: Breath Samples
- Bonus: Valve/Click Samples
Данная библиотека погружается через вкладку Add Library в сэмлере Kontakt 4.2.4, 5.0.1 и выше.
Тест: На 64-разрядной версии Kontakt 5.1.0, библиотека добавляется через вкладку Add Library без проблем. На 32-разрядной версии Kontakt 5.1.0 к сожалению библиотека не добавляется через вкладку Add Library. Поэтому смотрим видео-урок о том что делать в такой ситуации: NI Kontakt 5 - Добавления абсолютно любых библиотек через Add Library (HDTV, 720p)
(Add absolutely any libraries through Add Library)