Человек-паук (1 - 5 сезон) / Spider-Man DUB (1994)

Субтитры: Отсутствуют
Формат: TVRip, AVI, DivX, MP3
Страна: США
Режиссер: Боб Ричардсон
Жанр: мультфильм, фантастика, боевик, триллер, семейный
Продолжительность: 65x ~ 00:22:00
Год выпуска: 1994-1998
Роли озвучивали: Кристофер Дэниэл Барнс, Роско Ли Браун, Сара Бэллэнтайн, Родни Солсберри, Дженнифер Хейл, Эдвард Эснер, Гари Имхофф, Линда Гэри, Максвелл Колфилд, Джозеф Кампанелла
Описание: Случайный укус радиоактивного паука на
научной выставке даровал нескладному школьнику Питеру Паркеру невероятные
паучьи способности. Когда грабитель убил его любимого дядю Бена, Питер решает
использовать свои удивительные силы, чтобы защищать людей. Он навсегда
запомнил слова своего дяди: «Чем больше сила, тем больше и ответственность!».
Он становится Человеком-Пауком, бесстрашным героем в маске.

Видео: 576x432 (1.33:1), 25.000fps, DivX, ~ 1557Kbps avg
Аудио: 44.1KHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~ 107Kbps avg
Слоган: «With Great power comes Great responsibility!»
Трейлер к фильму
Список серий
s1e01 Night of the Lizard
s1e02 The Sting of the Scorpion
s1e03 The Spider Slayer
s1e04 The Return of the Spider-Slayers
s1e05 Doctor Octopus Armed and Dangerous
s1e06 The Menace of Mysterio
s1e07 Kraven the Hunter
s1e08 The Alien Costume Part 1
s1e09 The Alien Costume Part 2
s1e10 The Alien Costume Part 3
s1e11 The Hobgoblin Part 1
s1e12 The Hobgoblin Part 2
s1e13 Day of the Chameleon
s2e01 The Insidious Six
s2e02 Battle of the Insidious Six
s2e03 Hydro-Man
s2e04 The Mutant Agenda
s2e05 Mutants Revenge
s2e06 Morbius
s2e07 Enter The Punisher
s2e08 Duel of the Hunters
s2e09 Blade the Vampire Hunter
s2e10 The Immortal Vampire
s2e11 Tablet of Time
s2e12 Ravages of Time
s2e13 Shriek of the Vulture
s2e14 The Final Nightmare
s3e01 Doctor Strange
s3e02 Make a Wish
s3e03 Attack of the Octobot
s3e04 Enter the Green Goblin
s3e05 The Rocket Racer
s3e06 Framed
s3e07 The Man Without Fear
s3e08 The Ultimate Slayer
s3e09 Tombstone
s3e10 Venom Returns
s3e11 Carnage
s3e12 The Spot
s3e13 Goblin Wars!
s3e14 Turning Point
Spider-Man - s4e01 - Guilty
Spider-Man - s4e02 - The Cat
Spider-Man - s4e03 - The Black Cat
Spider-Man - s4e04 - Return of the Kraven
Spider-Man - s4e05 - Partners
Spider-Man - s4e06 - The Awakening
Spider-Man - s4e07 - The Vampire Queen
Spider-Man - s4e08 - The Return of the Green Goblin
Spider-Man - s4e09 - The Hauting of Mary Jane
Spider-Man - s4e10 - Lizard King
Spider-Man - s4e11 - The Prowler
Spider-Man - s5e01 - The Wedding
Spider-Man - s5e02 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Six Forgotten Warriors
Spider-Man - s5e03 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Unclaimed Legacy
Spider-Man - s5e04 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Secrets of The Six
Spider-Man - s5e05 - Six Forgotten Warriors - The Six Fight Again
Spider-Man - s5e06 - Six Forgotten Warriors - The Price Of Heroism
Spider-Man - s5e07 - The Return of Hydro-Man Part 1
Spider-Man - s5e08 - The Return of Hydro-Man Part 2
Spider-Man - s5e09 - Secret Wars - Arrival
Spider-Man - s5e10 - Secret Wars - The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
Spider-Man - s5e11 - Secret Wars - Doom
Spider-Man - s5e12 - Spider Wars - I Really Really Hate Clones
Spider-Man - s5e13 - Spider Wars - Farewell Spider-Man
s1e01 Night of the Lizard
s1e02 The Sting of the Scorpion
s1e03 The Spider Slayer
s1e04 The Return of the Spider-Slayers
s1e05 Doctor Octopus Armed and Dangerous
s1e06 The Menace of Mysterio
s1e07 Kraven the Hunter
s1e08 The Alien Costume Part 1
s1e09 The Alien Costume Part 2
s1e10 The Alien Costume Part 3
s1e11 The Hobgoblin Part 1
s1e12 The Hobgoblin Part 2
s1e13 Day of the Chameleon
s2e01 The Insidious Six
s2e02 Battle of the Insidious Six
s2e03 Hydro-Man
s2e04 The Mutant Agenda
s2e05 Mutants Revenge
s2e06 Morbius
s2e07 Enter The Punisher
s2e08 Duel of the Hunters
s2e09 Blade the Vampire Hunter
s2e10 The Immortal Vampire
s2e11 Tablet of Time
s2e12 Ravages of Time
s2e13 Shriek of the Vulture
s2e14 The Final Nightmare
s3e01 Doctor Strange
s3e02 Make a Wish
s3e03 Attack of the Octobot
s3e04 Enter the Green Goblin
s3e05 The Rocket Racer
s3e06 Framed
s3e07 The Man Without Fear
s3e08 The Ultimate Slayer
s3e09 Tombstone
s3e10 Venom Returns
s3e11 Carnage
s3e12 The Spot
s3e13 Goblin Wars!
s3e14 Turning Point
Spider-Man - s4e01 - Guilty
Spider-Man - s4e02 - The Cat
Spider-Man - s4e03 - The Black Cat
Spider-Man - s4e04 - Return of the Kraven
Spider-Man - s4e05 - Partners
Spider-Man - s4e06 - The Awakening
Spider-Man - s4e07 - The Vampire Queen
Spider-Man - s4e08 - The Return of the Green Goblin
Spider-Man - s4e09 - The Hauting of Mary Jane
Spider-Man - s4e10 - Lizard King
Spider-Man - s4e11 - The Prowler
Spider-Man - s5e01 - The Wedding
Spider-Man - s5e02 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Six Forgotten Warriors
Spider-Man - s5e03 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Unclaimed Legacy
Spider-Man - s5e04 - Six Forgotten Warriors - Secrets of The Six
Spider-Man - s5e05 - Six Forgotten Warriors - The Six Fight Again
Spider-Man - s5e06 - Six Forgotten Warriors - The Price Of Heroism
Spider-Man - s5e07 - The Return of Hydro-Man Part 1
Spider-Man - s5e08 - The Return of Hydro-Man Part 2
Spider-Man - s5e09 - Secret Wars - Arrival
Spider-Man - s5e10 - Secret Wars - The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
Spider-Man - s5e11 - Secret Wars - Doom
Spider-Man - s5e12 - Spider Wars - I Really Really Hate Clones
Spider-Man - s5e13 - Spider Wars - Farewell Spider-Man