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Folkearth - Дискография (2006)

Год выпуска: 2006-2011
Страна: All World
Жанр: Pagan, Black, Folk, Viking Metal
Продолжительность: 07:47:28
2006 - A Nordic Poem (Remastered) 00
01. Intro (The Pipes Are Calling)
02. Wolfsong In Moonlight (Fenris Unbound)
03. Horned Trolls And Mystical Folk
04. Rhyming With Thunder
05. Eldritch Sorcery And Faery Runes
06. In Odin's Court
07. Storm Ravens Come
08. Gryningssång
09. Gaelic Valor
10. Outro

01. Intro (The Pipes Are Calling)
02. Wolfsong In Moonlight (Fenris Unbound)
03. Horned Trolls And Mystical Folk
04. Rhyming With Thunder
05. Eldritch Sorcery And Faery Runes
06. In Odin's Court
07. Storm Ravens Come
08. Gryningssång
09. Gaelic Valor
10. Outro
2006 - By The Sword Of My Father 01
01. Introduction
02. The Lady's Gift
03. By The Sword Of My Father
04. Naglfar Sets Sail
05. The Death Of Beowulf
06. Instrumental
07. Skaldic Art
08. Domain Of Darksome Ravens
09. Return To Waelehalle
10. Heathenpride (Falkenbach Cover)
11. Elves
12. Invictus
13. Wisdom Of Wolves
14. Sailing A'Viking
15. Tribute To Viking Gods
16. Journey Ends

01. Introduction
02. The Lady's Gift
03. By The Sword Of My Father
04. Naglfar Sets Sail
05. The Death Of Beowulf
06. Instrumental
07. Skaldic Art
08. Domain Of Darksome Ravens
09. Return To Waelehalle
10. Heathenpride (Falkenbach Cover)
11. Elves
12. Invictus
13. Wisdom Of Wolves
14. Sailing A'Viking
15. Tribute To Viking Gods
16. Journey Ends
2007 - Drakkars In The Mist 01
01. Before Battle I Embrace
02. Hoplites Awaiting Command
03. Hugin & Munin
04. Grimnismol (Ballad of Grimnir)
05. Hogtyd
06. Sworn to the Raven
07. Great God Pan
08. Drakkars in the Mist
09. Midgard Farewell
10. De Tause Fjell
11. If I Should Fall
12. When Long Ships Arrive
13. On Wings Divine
14. Thunders Of War
15. The Bane of Giants (Bonus Track)
16. Kingdom of the Shades (Bonus Track)
17. The Riding of the Queen Boudiccea (Bonus Track)

01. Before Battle I Embrace
02. Hoplites Awaiting Command
03. Hugin & Munin
04. Grimnismol (Ballad of Grimnir)
05. Hogtyd
06. Sworn to the Raven
07. Great God Pan
08. Drakkars in the Mist
09. Midgard Farewell
10. De Tause Fjell
11. If I Should Fall
12. When Long Ships Arrive
13. On Wings Divine
14. Thunders Of War
15. The Bane of Giants (Bonus Track)
16. Kingdom of the Shades (Bonus Track)
17. The Riding of the Queen Boudiccea (Bonus Track)
2008 - Father Of Victory 00
01. The Forlorn Knight
02. The Purest Breed
03. Sleipnir
04. What Glory Remains
05. Dawn in Tir Na N'
06. The Will Of Odin
07. Father Of Victor
08. Charles Martel
09. Wallachian Warlord
10. The Iron Wolf
11. Heroes In The Sky
12. Carmina Bellica

01. The Forlorn Knight
02. The Purest Breed
03. Sleipnir
04. What Glory Remains
05. Dawn in Tir Na N'
06. The Will Of Odin
07. Father Of Victor
08. Charles Martel
09. Wallachian Warlord
10. The Iron Wolf
11. Heroes In The Sky
12. Carmina Bellica
2008 - Fatherland 00
01. Hymn To Zeus
02. Braver Than Heroes Vows (The Battle Of Plataea)
03. Guardian Of The Bridge
04. Freedom Or Death (Kosovo 1389)
05. Terror From The Sea
06. Fatherland
07. The Fall Of Atlantis
08. The Victory Rune
09. In Blessed Days
10. Cataphract Legion
11. Exiled

01. Hymn To Zeus
02. Braver Than Heroes Vows (The Battle Of Plataea)
03. Guardian Of The Bridge
04. Freedom Or Death (Kosovo 1389)
05. Terror From The Sea
06. Fatherland
07. The Fall Of Atlantis
08. The Victory Rune
09. In Blessed Days
10. Cataphract Legion
11. Exiled
2008 - Songs Of Yore (Acoustic) 00
01.In an Emerald Garden
02.Warrior Heart
03.The Purest Breed
04.Father of Victory
05.The Iron Wolf
06.Remember Hastings
07.The Will of Odin
08.What Glory Remains
09.The Forlorn Knight
10.Charles Martel
11.Homus Paganus

01.In an Emerald Garden
02.Warrior Heart
03.The Purest Breed
04.Father of Victory
05.The Iron Wolf
06.Remember Hastings
07.The Will of Odin
08.What Glory Remains
09.The Forlorn Knight
10.Charles Martel
11.Homus Paganus
2009 - Rulers Of The Sea 00
01. The Voices of the Dead
02. Rulers of the Sea
03. The Doomed Crusade
04. Lord of the Spear
05. The Prince of Epirus
06. Cosmogenesis
07. Folkearth
08. I Am Fire
09. Apollonian Light
10. When the Gods Doth Return
11. Byzantine Princess

01. The Voices of the Dead
02. Rulers of the Sea
03. The Doomed Crusade
04. Lord of the Spear
05. The Prince of Epirus
06. Cosmogenesis
07. Folkearth
08. I Am Fire
09. Apollonian Light
10. When the Gods Doth Return
11. Byzantine Princess
2010 - Viking`s Anthem 00
01. Beasts From The Blizzards
02. Ragnarok
03. There Is No Death
04. The Eternal City
05. Viking's Anthem
06. To Avalon
07. A New Day Is Rising
08. Warrior Code
09. The Conquering Nightmare
10. Set Sails To Conquer
11. Legacy Of Steel

01. Beasts From The Blizzards
02. Ragnarok
03. There Is No Death
04. The Eternal City
05. Viking's Anthem
06. To Avalon
07. A New Day Is Rising
08. Warrior Code
09. The Conquering Nightmare
10. Set Sails To Conquer
11. Legacy Of Steel
2011 - Sons Of The North 00
01. Sons Of The North
02. Rider On The Winds
03. Taking Arms
04. Lord Of Serpents
05. Wind Of Conquest
06. Ravens On The Wing
07. Odin Wills It
08. Black Knights
09. To Vinland We Sail
10. Defying The Storm

01. Sons Of The North
02. Rider On The Winds
03. Taking Arms
04. Lord Of Serpents
05. Wind Of Conquest
06. Ravens On The Wing
07. Odin Wills It
08. Black Knights
09. To Vinland We Sail
10. Defying The Storm
Доп. информация:
История группы
История группы началась в феврале 2004 года, когда у нескольких музыкантов возникла идея создать проект, который объединял бы музыкантов из разных стран, исполняющих folk и pagan metal. После серии переговоров стало ясно, что эта идея вполне может стать реальностью. Весной 2004 года музыканты из разных стран приступили к записи музыкального материала. В результате было записано более 60 минут музыки. В силу ряда объективных и субъективных причин часть записанного материала была утеряна, в результате после сведения получился альбом на 40 минут. Как уже было указано выше, запись осуществлялась музыкантами в разных странах. Сведение и мастериег производились Магнусом Вольфартом (Magnus Wohlfart) в Швеции , в своей собственной The Dungeon studio. В записи принимали участие музыканты из Греции (Dol Amroth), Литвы (Ravenclaw), Англии (Forefather), Швейцарии (Eluveitie), Австрии (Hrossharsgrani), Швеции (Yggdrasil, Nae’blis, Broken Dagger, Trymheim). Лирику к альбому написал Marios Kostoukos (на английском языке) за исключением Gryningssang, написанной Магнусом Вольфартом на шведском языке. В сентябре 2004 года работа над альбомом была закончена и материал был выслан для издания на Stygian Crypt productions.
Состав участников
Marios Koutsoukos
Thanasis Karapanos
Hildr Valkyrie (ex-Beyond the Forests, ex-Lloth, ex-Nocternity (Grc), ex-Worship, ex-Ego Drama, Uruk-Hai (Aut), Morgan the Bard, Femegericht (Ger), Death Army)
Autumn (Hordak)
Winter (Hordak)
A. Mansilla
Joe Luis Frias
Orey (Pagan Reign (Rus))
Vetrodar (Pagan Reign (Rus))
Roman Samonin (Morituri)
Ralf Goossens (Arctic Frost, Morituri)
Ruslanas (Ravenclaw (Ltu))
Stefanos Koutsoukos
Dreogan (Bergelmir/Peordh, Garrisoned Xtaodecas)
Magnus Wohlfart (Yggdrasil (Swe), Broken Dagger, ex-Trymheim, Nae'blis, Anti-Christian Assault)
Simon Frodberg
William Ekeberg (Broken Dagger, Trymheim, Logic Severed, Pandemonium (Swe), Body Core)
Morten Basse (Thulr)
Vojan Koceic (Koziak , Victim (Hrv) , Ðubrivo)
Nikos Nezeiritis
Axel (Death Army)
Ulven (Draugen)
Mark Riddick (Equimanthorn (US), Unburied (US), Unearthed, Excrescent, Moonroot, The Soil Bleeds Black, Hexentanz)
Jesus Sierra
A. Panging
GG Karman
Haavard Tveito (Vetter)

Marios Koutsoukos
Thanasis Karapanos
Hildr Valkyrie (ex-Beyond the Forests, ex-Lloth, ex-Nocternity (Grc), ex-Worship, ex-Ego Drama, Uruk-Hai (Aut), Morgan the Bard, Femegericht (Ger), Death Army)
Autumn (Hordak)
Winter (Hordak)
A. Mansilla
Joe Luis Frias
Orey (Pagan Reign (Rus))
Vetrodar (Pagan Reign (Rus))
Roman Samonin (Morituri)
Ralf Goossens (Arctic Frost, Morituri)
Ruslanas (Ravenclaw (Ltu))
Stefanos Koutsoukos
Dreogan (Bergelmir/Peordh, Garrisoned Xtaodecas)
Magnus Wohlfart (Yggdrasil (Swe), Broken Dagger, ex-Trymheim, Nae'blis, Anti-Christian Assault)
Simon Frodberg
William Ekeberg (Broken Dagger, Trymheim, Logic Severed, Pandemonium (Swe), Body Core)
Morten Basse (Thulr)
Vojan Koceic (Koziak , Victim (Hrv) , Ðubrivo)
Nikos Nezeiritis
Axel (Death Army)
Ulven (Draugen)
Mark Riddick (Equimanthorn (US), Unburied (US), Unearthed, Excrescent, Moonroot, The Soil Bleeds Black, Hexentanz)
Jesus Sierra
A. Panging
GG Karman
Haavard Tveito (Vetter)

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