Some of the best guitar music (2008)

Год выпуска: 2008
Страна: Becb Mup
Жанр: Metal, Rock
Продолжительность: 2:00
Описание: Part 1
Andy Timmons - Deliver Us
micheal angelo Rain Forest
adagio album sanctis ignis
circus maximus sane no more
Concerto Moon - Everlasting Nightmare
guitar hero - Sauna Blast
hour glasse liquid tension
Joe Satriani - Crushing Day
satch is therre is love in space
sathc- revelation
Yngwie Malmsteen - Arpeggios from Hell
buckethead Sail on Soothsayer
buckethead Soothsayer (dedicated to Aunt Suz)
Carlos Santana - Moon Flower Flor de luna
eric johnson S.R.V.
eric johnson Manhattan
gary moore- Still Got The Blues
gary moore The Loner
John Petrucci - Glasgow Kiss
John Petrucci - Jaws of Life
rusty cooley The Duel
rusty cooley Dark Matter
stefan forte alchemist
steve vai For The Love Of God
steve vai hendrix song live Little Wing
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