Foxit Reader Professional 3.0.1301 + Portable (2008)

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Работа с PDF
Разработчик: Foxit Software Company, LLC
Сайт разработчика: http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php
Язык интерфейса: Английский, русский
Платформа: Windows ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
Описание: Профессиональная программа для чтения PDF файлов. Если у вас возникла необходимость прочесть документ формата PDF, а у вас нет на компьютере Adobe Reader, а так же нет времени и возможности чтобы его скачать - то эта программа именно для вас.
Особенностью Foxit PDF Reader является сравнительно небольшой размер дистрибутива (3.5 Mb) и быстрая скорость работы, что, несомненно, сказывается на удобстве программы в целом. Эта утилита не требует долговременной инсталляции. Представленный продукт не требователен к программным и аппаратным средствам компьютера и способен работать практически со всеми версиями операционных систем корпорации Microsoft.
Программа обладает всеми необходимыми функциями для полноценного просмотра PDF файлов. Доступны такие возможности как: выбрать и скопировать содержание текста с файлов PDF, производить поиск по тексту, будет доступна очень удобная библиотека для поиска и управления PDF файлами, быстрая скорость распечатки документов, поддержка Javascript, поддержка плугинов и многое другое.
Работает во всех операционных системах Windows.
Доп. информация:
What's New in Foxit Reader 3.0?
The following is a list of exciting new and enhanced features in Foxit Reader 3.0.
New features:
- Enticing Multimedia Design
Now users can not only play multimedia in Foxit Reader, but also are empowered to add, edit or delete multimedia files with the incredible Movie Tool and Sound Tool.
- Attachment Panel
Lists all the attached files in the PDF document, and provides a number of common options that helps users manage the attachments, such as opening, deleting and adding description to the attachments. Users can also change the security settings when opening an attachment in this panel.
- Thumbnail Panel
Shows thumbnail images for each PDF page and allows users to quickly view relevant portions of a PDF file. Now users can navigate through PDFs with page thumbnails.
- Layout Panel
Lists PDF layers in the document, allows users to control the display of some certain content areas.
- Metric Unit Support
Within the preferences dialog box it gives users the option to set the unit of page dimension in either metric system or imperial system.
- Auto-scrolling with Middle Mouse Button
In the Hand Tool reading mode, users can perform auto-scrolling by holding the middle mouse button/wheel mouse button down.
- Awe-Inspiring Foxit OnDemand Content Management
This new add-on enables users to organize, share and collaborate on documents and forms online. Users can upload from Foxit Reader or send documents with ease. Advanced features include workflow driven document sharing, revisions of documents, CollabRoom for group collaboration.
- Firefox Support
With Firefox Plugin, users can view and work with PDF files loaded in Foxit Reader with Firefox web browser.
Enhanced features:
- Improved Select Text Tool
Not only used for selecting text, but also enables users to add most types of annotations, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly, replacement, etc.
- Enhanced Print Setup
Supports printing separate pages or a range of pages by entering 1, 3, 7-10 or whatever in the Pages text box within the Print dialog box.
- Better Annotation Control
Allows users to align and center multiple annotations on PDF pages, including Notes, Drawing Markups and Typewriter Comments.
- Advanced Toolbar Control
Completely rearranges the toolbar layout and allows users to easily customize the tools that appear in Foxit Reader.
- Better Permission Control
Disables and grays out some UI elements when users are not allowed to perform the corresponding operations on the protected PDF document.
- Improved Upgrade Mode
Foxit Updater Preferences dialog box allows the user to configure the update settings. Foxit Reader supports the ability to check for updates automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Improved Popup Note
A popup note turns transparent when it is open but not selected. Users can also cut, copy or paste text in the new popup note.
- Enhanced Shortcut Keys Input
Press F11 to enter or exit the full screen mode. Use keyboard shortcuts to fill PDF forms easily.
- Transferrable preferences Settings
Foxit Reader creates an INI file to save user's preferences settings so that it can be easily kept and transferred. Users can keep their own settings and don't have to configure them when Foxit Reader is updated or moved.
- Many Bug Fixes
The following is a list of exciting new and enhanced features in Foxit Reader 3.0.
New features:
- Enticing Multimedia Design
Now users can not only play multimedia in Foxit Reader, but also are empowered to add, edit or delete multimedia files with the incredible Movie Tool and Sound Tool.
- Attachment Panel
Lists all the attached files in the PDF document, and provides a number of common options that helps users manage the attachments, such as opening, deleting and adding description to the attachments. Users can also change the security settings when opening an attachment in this panel.
- Thumbnail Panel
Shows thumbnail images for each PDF page and allows users to quickly view relevant portions of a PDF file. Now users can navigate through PDFs with page thumbnails.
- Layout Panel
Lists PDF layers in the document, allows users to control the display of some certain content areas.
- Metric Unit Support
Within the preferences dialog box it gives users the option to set the unit of page dimension in either metric system or imperial system.
- Auto-scrolling with Middle Mouse Button
In the Hand Tool reading mode, users can perform auto-scrolling by holding the middle mouse button/wheel mouse button down.
- Awe-Inspiring Foxit OnDemand Content Management
This new add-on enables users to organize, share and collaborate on documents and forms online. Users can upload from Foxit Reader or send documents with ease. Advanced features include workflow driven document sharing, revisions of documents, CollabRoom for group collaboration.
- Firefox Support
With Firefox Plugin, users can view and work with PDF files loaded in Foxit Reader with Firefox web browser.
Enhanced features:
- Improved Select Text Tool
Not only used for selecting text, but also enables users to add most types of annotations, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly, replacement, etc.
- Enhanced Print Setup
Supports printing separate pages or a range of pages by entering 1, 3, 7-10 or whatever in the Pages text box within the Print dialog box.
- Better Annotation Control
Allows users to align and center multiple annotations on PDF pages, including Notes, Drawing Markups and Typewriter Comments.
- Advanced Toolbar Control
Completely rearranges the toolbar layout and allows users to easily customize the tools that appear in Foxit Reader.
- Better Permission Control
Disables and grays out some UI elements when users are not allowed to perform the corresponding operations on the protected PDF document.
- Improved Upgrade Mode
Foxit Updater Preferences dialog box allows the user to configure the update settings. Foxit Reader supports the ability to check for updates automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Improved Popup Note
A popup note turns transparent when it is open but not selected. Users can also cut, copy or paste text in the new popup note.
- Enhanced Shortcut Keys Input
Press F11 to enter or exit the full screen mode. Use keyboard shortcuts to fill PDF forms easily.
- Transferrable preferences Settings
Foxit Reader creates an INI file to save user's preferences settings so that it can be easily kept and transferred. Users can keep their own settings and don't have to configure them when Foxit Reader is updated or moved.
- Many Bug Fixes
Программы / Специализированные, офисные системы / Работа с PDF, DjVu, распознавание речи