Rainlendar Pro 2.7.91 (2010)

Год выпуска: 2010
Жанр: Календарь
Разработчик: Rainy
Сайт разработчика: http://rainlendar.net/cms/index.php
Язык интерфейса: Русский + Англиский
Платформа: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
Системные требования:
• Windows XP SP3 or newer.
• 15 MB of available hard disk space
• 512 MB of RAM or higher recommended
• A display card capable of showing transparent windows
Описание: Rainlendar представляет собой симпатичный календарик для рабочего стола с поддержкой списка задач на тот или иной день и возможностью переноса соответствующих настроек из Microsoft Outlook. Допускается изменение внешнего вида сменой скина, а также изменение уровня прозрачности календаря. Для управления программой возможно задание горячих клавиш. Поддерживаются плагины. Интерфейс может быть на разных языках, требуемый языковой файл можно догрузить прямо из окна настройки программы.
Что нового
Released Rainlendar Pro 2.7 Build 91 - 07 Jul 2010
• The message box after import and export caused a hang on Mac. Fixed.
• The check for update in about dialog worked only if the update check was enabled from the settings. Fixed.
• Added advanced option to show the time for the tasks when the list is sorted by due or start date.
• Dismissing weekly recurring event's alarm could cause a hang. Fixed.
• Added an API function to check if a calendar is enabled or not.
• Dismissing alarm when the task was set completed didn't work. Fixed.
• The included/excluded categories are now shown with localized texts.
• Multiline texts which didn't have enough space to draw the ellipsis were drawn incorrectly.
• The schedule scroll position is now remembered also if the calendar is refreshed.
• Removed warning from the log when xml comments were used in the file.
• Backups were written to the incorrect folder if the location of the config file was defined in the command line. Fixed.
• Aero peek doesn't hide the edit controls anymore.
• Calculating the last alarm for Outlook events could cause an infinite loop. Fixed.
• Changes in the RTM tasks are now handled better when polling the server.
• The message box after import and export caused a hang on Mac. Fixed.
• The check for update in about dialog worked only if the update check was enabled from the settings. Fixed.
• Added advanced option to show the time for the tasks when the list is sorted by due or start date.
• Dismissing weekly recurring event's alarm could cause a hang. Fixed.
• Added an API function to check if a calendar is enabled or not.
• Dismissing alarm when the task was set completed didn't work. Fixed.
• The included/excluded categories are now shown with localized texts.
• Multiline texts which didn't have enough space to draw the ellipsis were drawn incorrectly.
• The schedule scroll position is now remembered also if the calendar is refreshed.
• Removed warning from the log when xml comments were used in the file.
• Backups were written to the incorrect folder if the location of the config file was defined in the command line. Fixed.
• Aero peek doesn't hide the edit controls anymore.
• Calculating the last alarm for Outlook events could cause an infinite loop. Fixed.
• Changes in the RTM tasks are now handled better when polling the server.
Программы / Специализированные, офисные системы / Работа с PDF, DjVu, распознавание речи
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