Plague Inc: Evolved [RePack] (v 0.5.6) (2014)

Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / 3D
Разработчик: Ndemic Creations
Издательство: Ndemic Creations
Сайт разработчика: http://www.ndemiccreations.com/
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Платформа: PC
Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows® XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Процессор: 2.6 GHz Dual Core Processor
Оперативная память:1 гб
Видеокарта: Integrated Graphics (512MB)
Звуковая карта: Совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
Свободное место на жёстком диске: 350 Мb
Описание: Plague Inc: Evolved - сверхпопулярная игрушка, хорошо знакомая владельцам мобильных устройств, в улучшенном и обновленном виде теперь доступна и владельцам PC. Вы найдете массу интересных дизайнерских и геймплейных находок! Битва началась - Вы vs. человечества!
Вы выбираете болезнь и заражаете нулевого пациента любой из доступных стран мира, после чего буквально должны убить всех людей на планете. Развивайте болезнь, акцентируйтесь на ее распространении или же сопротивляемости лекарствам, поражайте определенные органы людей — каждая партия была непохожей на предыдущую, а реиграбельность тут практически бесконечная. На высоких уровнях сложности и разных типах болезней пройти игру было не так-то просто, а в последних обновлениях даже появились новые сценарии.
Доп. информация:
• За основу создания взятa релиз от P2PGAMES
• Аудио и видео качество 100%
• Все пути реестра сохранены
• Запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
• Для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
• Примерное время установки 1 минутa
• Автор RePack'a: Let'sРlay
Установка: Следовать указанием инсталлятора.
Особенности репака
Ничего не вырезано / не перекодировано
Версия игры - 0.5.6
Установлен русификатор от ZoG Forum Team (Версия 0.5.6 от 06.03.14)
Релиз группы RG Games
Ничего не вырезано / не перекодировано
Версия игры - 0.5.6
Установлен русификатор от ZoG Forum Team (Версия 0.5.6 от 06.03.14)
Релиз группы RG Games
Список изменений
Установлен русификатор от ZoG Forum Team (Версия 0.5.6 от 06.03.14)
Full Change Log 0.5.6:
Fixed - Display of biohazard medals re difficulty level of completion next to disease type.
Fixed - issue allowing gene unlocks to come via double clicking - even if locked
Fixed - cheat plagues unlock properly when winning the game on Brutal/Mega Brutal
Fixed - text for Eurozone news item.
Fixed - Patient Who achievement
Fixed - incorrect message reporting unlock of Necroa Virus
Fixed - XML error on CDC news item.
Plague Inc: Evolved - Evolution 2 (update 0.5.5) full change log:
New additions:
Neurax Worm plague type
3D brain view of Neurax Worm
Neurax music and sound effects
Info boxes for neurax worms
Message box for update changes
Fixes :
Replay system upgraded to work with Neurax
Sound settings storing data right.
Sound on slider in options fixed
City cam on new game fixed
End Game share message link changed.
Key research contributors list fixed
Random bubble delay for Red bubbles added
Country pie chart - total saying 0 when all dead fixed
Genes not using correct button fixed
Controls page in settings fixed
Tabbing in and out of game causes gpu issues - Fixed.
FPS lock for high spec computers (will fix overheating)
Improved texture management for game (related to tabbing in/out game)
Text fixes for a number of event messages.
Several XML errors fixed
General performance improvements
New system to ensure unlocked plagues kept after updates.
More difference between evolved and available to evolve icons
Score screen - default view now friends
Removed 'Evolution State' tooltip over techs
Gene Unlocks - now being remembered as future diseases.
Difficulty unlocked changed to normal for plagues, brutal for cheat plagues.
Bubbles places relative to starting/plane landing positions.
Hotfix 0.5.1 released
This is a quick bugfix update to address issues around saving and achievement unlocking that some people had reported as well as a few other tweaks. Thanks everyone who helped us track these issues down. (full change log below)
Please keep your feedback coming - will share news about the first content update in the next day or so once all the dust from the initial release dies down!
Full Change Log 0.5.1:
Added Steam Trading Cards
Achievements will unlock correctly and sync with Steam
Game progress now correctly registers with Steam save
Fixed XML errors on some country descriptions
Fixed text description relating to control arrows
Установлен русификатор от ZoG Forum Team (Версия 0.5.6 от 06.03.14)
Full Change Log 0.5.6:
Fixed - Display of biohazard medals re difficulty level of completion next to disease type.
Fixed - issue allowing gene unlocks to come via double clicking - even if locked
Fixed - cheat plagues unlock properly when winning the game on Brutal/Mega Brutal
Fixed - text for Eurozone news item.
Fixed - Patient Who achievement
Fixed - incorrect message reporting unlock of Necroa Virus
Fixed - XML error on CDC news item.
Plague Inc: Evolved - Evolution 2 (update 0.5.5) full change log:
New additions:
Neurax Worm plague type
3D brain view of Neurax Worm
Neurax music and sound effects
Info boxes for neurax worms
Message box for update changes
Fixes :
Replay system upgraded to work with Neurax
Sound settings storing data right.
Sound on slider in options fixed
City cam on new game fixed
End Game share message link changed.
Key research contributors list fixed
Random bubble delay for Red bubbles added
Country pie chart - total saying 0 when all dead fixed
Genes not using correct button fixed
Controls page in settings fixed
Tabbing in and out of game causes gpu issues - Fixed.
FPS lock for high spec computers (will fix overheating)
Improved texture management for game (related to tabbing in/out game)
Text fixes for a number of event messages.
Several XML errors fixed
General performance improvements
New system to ensure unlocked plagues kept after updates.
More difference between evolved and available to evolve icons
Score screen - default view now friends
Removed 'Evolution State' tooltip over techs
Gene Unlocks - now being remembered as future diseases.
Difficulty unlocked changed to normal for plagues, brutal for cheat plagues.
Bubbles places relative to starting/plane landing positions.
Hotfix 0.5.1 released
This is a quick bugfix update to address issues around saving and achievement unlocking that some people had reported as well as a few other tweaks. Thanks everyone who helped us track these issues down. (full change log below)
Please keep your feedback coming - will share news about the first content update in the next day or so once all the dust from the initial release dies down!
Full Change Log 0.5.1:
Added Steam Trading Cards
Achievements will unlock correctly and sync with Steam
Game progress now correctly registers with Steam save
Fixed XML errors on some country descriptions
Fixed text description relating to control arrows