Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy: Knights of the Force (2008)

Жанр: Action
Разработчик: Osman Gunyaz
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Лекарство: Не требуется
Системные требования: Минимальные: 450MHz, 128Mb, 32Mb Video
Рекомендуемые: 1GHz, 256Mb, 64Mb Video
Установленная лицензионная Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy 1.01 !!!
Описание: Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy: Knights of the Force являет собой фактически новую игру по всем шести фильмам(да вы поучаствуете во всех 6 епизодах в рамках 1 игры!!!!): величайшее множество новых движений и анимаций, обновленная графика, самые впечатляющие сражения из оригинальной киноленты, полеты на истребителях, искрометные спецэффекты…
Доп. информация: KNIGHTS OF THE FORCE 2.0:
* Singleplayer character autoclass system.
* Jedi Academy new story mode "You are not a padawan now! What is more, you don't need to be a jedi!"
Choose your character among the 100 new character section menu and play with whoever you want.
When you select your character, their characteristic features will adjust the game.
* KotF Add/Load Menu System
* KotF Player Menu System.
* Advanced angle system.
* Npc Add/Remove system.
* KotF special CD Menus.
* 6 Languages support,
* New 13 single player missions :
SW Episode I Tatooine Darth Maul attacks : 2 level
SW Episode II Jango's Escape : 5 level
SW Episode III General Grievous's Escape : 6 level
* Realistic dismember option added for lightsabers and sharp-edged weapons. Also added a "Realistic Lightsaber"
option that makes the game more enjoyable and realistic. When you turn on this option, Lightsaber acts like in
the movies and is effective when touching and object or enemy even if the player hasn't attacked. Gamorrean,
Tusken, Weequay, Gran and such characters' weapons causes the player to bleed (spear, tusken staff, mace, axe).
This option can be turned of from the KotF's CD menu.
* KotF part 1: Multiplayer same Jedi Academy gameplay
* Jedi Academy - With support of 64 vehicles , all the KotF maps , and menus which makes easier to chose skins,
* Portuguese and Turkish full Jedi Academy translation.
* 100 Star Wars characters,
* 150 skins, (reedited)
* 70 lightsabers, (reedited)
* 50 vehicles, (reedited)
* 130 Advanced NPCs
* 40 New and upgraded menus,
* New cinematics
* The best 30 Jedi Outcast maps (mostly Star Wars movie maps)
* Total 70 multiplayer & singleplayer maps
* You can also use vehicles which are coming back to movies and join the battle. Totally 20 multiplayer maps
* New vechiles support, for singleplayer (droideka,snowspeeder, x-wing, tiefighters , atst)
* Dogfights from Battle of hoth (x-wing v.s tiefighters) (singleplayer)
* Space battles for multiplayer. (Battle of Endor) CTF TFFA
and more...bots, npcs and vehicles.
Multiplayer map list :
Episode1 DroidControlShip (with vehicles)
Episode1 Naboo Theed (with vehicles)
Episode1 Boonta Eve (with vehicles)
Episode1 Gungan City
Episode1 Naboo Hills (with vehicles)
Episode1 Tatooine Desert (with vehicles)
Episode1 DuelofTheFatesJO (with vehicles)
Episode1 DuelofTheFatesJA
Episode1 DuelOfTheFates (with vehicles)
Episode1 Naboo Hangar
Episode1 NabooReactorRoom
Episode2 Coruscant (with vehicles)
Episode2 Coruscant Landing
Episode2 Coruscant Pub
Episode2 Tusken Camp
Episode2 Kamino (with vehicles)
Episode2 Kamino Landing
Episode2 Geonosis Arena (with vehicles)
Episode2 Battle of Geonosis (with vehicles)
Episode2 Geonosis Hanger
Episode3 Invisible Hand
Episode3 Utapau (with vehicles)
Episode3 Utapau Landing
Episode3 Jedi Council
Episode3 Jedi Temple
Episode3 Jedi Arhives
Episode3 Mygeeto
Episode3 Mustafar
Episode3 Palpatines Office
Episode3 Senate
Episode3 Vader's Chamber
Episode4 TantiveIV
Episode4 MosEisleyCantina
Episode4 Yavin Hangar
Episode4 Death Star
Episode4 Death Star trench (with vehicles)
Episode5 Battle of Hoth (with vehicles)
Episode5 Carbon Freeze
Episode5 Carbon City
Episode5 Besbin Landing
Episode5 Vader's Chamber
Episode6 Jabba's Palace (with vehicles)
Episode6 Jabba's Sail barge (with vehicles)
Episode6 Endor Landing
Episode6 Emperor's Room
Episode6 Battle of Endor (with vehicles)
Episode6 Ewok Village
Rock Oasis
Battle Front Yavin
Falcon Desert (with vehicles)
FC Academy Hangar (with vehicles)
Star Destroyer Assault (with vehicles)
Jedi Pavillion - Bespin
GE Arena X
Forgotten Rebel Base
Star Destroyer Hangar
Imperial Duel Turbine
Ord Mantell Canyon
Palace Wars
Conquest of Byss
The Fortress
Gas Mine
Извините, что не по русски. Тут дан список карт и разных, вобщем, Features.
скриншоты здесь --- http://www.moddb.com/mods/3344/knights-of-the-force/images